How to Minimise Workplace Conflict in Neurodiverse Teams

Rachel Worsley  |  11/04/2023

Neurodiverse teams can bring a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and strengths to the workplace. However, these teams can also face unique challenges that can lead to conflict if not managed effectively. Here are some best practices for minimizing workplace conflict in neurodiverse teams:

1. Encourage Communication and Understanding

Encouraging open and honest communication can help team members understand each other's perspectives and avoid misunderstandings or assumptions. Managers should provide opportunities for team members to share their thoughts and concerns, and actively listen to each other without judgment or interruption. For example, a manager could facilitate a team meeting where team members can share their experiences and discuss any concerns.

2. Provide Accommodations and Support

Providing accommodations and support can help team members feel valued and included, and reduce stress and anxiety that can contribute to conflict. Managers should work with individual team members to identify and implement accommodations that meet their specific needs, such as flexible schedules, quiet workspaces, or assistive technology. For example, a manager could provide a noise-canceling headset to a team member who is sensitive to noise.

3. Foster a Positive and Inclusive Culture

Fostering a positive and inclusive culture can help team members feel respected and supported, and minimize conflict related to bias or discrimination. Managers should promote diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the workplace, such as hiring, training, and performance evaluations. They should also address any instances of bias or discrimination immediately and provide resources for employees to report concerns. For example, a manager could organize a diversity and inclusion training for the team.

4. Develop Conflict Resolution Strategies

Developing conflict resolution strategies can help team members resolve conflicts in a constructive and respectful way. Managers should provide training and resources on conflict resolution, such as active listening, mediation, and compromise. They should also encourage team members to address conflicts early and proactively, rather than letting them escalate. For example, a manager could facilitate a mediation session between two team members who have conflicting communication styles.

Examples of Conflict Scenarios and Strategies to Resolve Them

Here are some examples of conflict scenarios in neurodiverse teams and strategies to resolve them:

1. Conflict over Communication Styles

Scenario: Two team members have different communication styles - one is very direct and to-the-point, while the other is more indirect and prefers to give context and background information.

Strategy: Managers could provide training on different communication styles and how to adapt to others' styles. Team members could also practice active listening and clarifying questions to ensure they understand each other's messages.

2. Conflict over Sensory Sensitivities

Scenario: A team member is sensitive to bright lights and loud noises, but other team members frequently use overhead lights and speak loudly.

Strategy: Managers could provide accommodations such as noise-cancelling headphones or adjusting lighting levels. Team members could also be mindful of their sensory impact on others and adjust their behavior as needed.

3. Conflict over Workload Distribution

Scenario: A team member feels that they are doing more work than others on the team and is frustrated with the unequal workload distribution.

Strategy: Managers could provide clear expectations and guidelines for workload distribution and hold team members accountable for meeting them. Team members could also have regular check-ins to discuss workload and redistribute tasks as needed.


Minimizing workplace conflict in neurodiverse teams requires a proactive and inclusive approach that values diversity and fosters open communication. By providing accommodations and support, promoting a positive and inclusive culture, and developing conflict resolution strategies, managers can help their teams work effectively and collaboratively, while respecting each other's unique strengths and needs.

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